This is used to test that script can create and delete a file.
Pro-TIP: get another file on the server and copy it to retain the permissions. rename and past the code below then browse to it.
Check create delete permissions file system

create a file called test.asp and paste the below in it

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
''Current Directory must have writeable permissions for this sample to work.
''It is suggested to NOT run this in the root directory
'' and NOT set writeable permissions to the root directory of your website.

vqs = request.querystring("Action")
response.write "" &_
"<a href='?action=cf'>Create File</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" &_
"<a href='?action=cd'>Create Directory</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" &_
"<a href='?action=df'>Delete File</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" &_
"<a href='?action=dd'>Delete Directory</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" &_

select case vqs
Case "cf"
call createfile
Case "cd"
call createdir
Case "df"
call delfile
Case "dd"
call deldir
End Select

sub createfile()
set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if not fs.FileExists(server.mappath("test.txt")) then
set fname=fs.CreateTextFile(server.mappath("test.txt"),true)
fname.WriteLine("Hello World!")
response.write "File Created. " & server.mappath("test.txt")&"<br>"
response.write "File Exists Already. " & server.mappath("test.txt")
end if
set fs=nothing
set fname=nothing
end sub

sub createdir()
set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if fs.FolderExists(server.mappath("test")) then
response.write "Directory Already Exists - must remove before creation. " & server.mappath("test")&"<br>"
set f=fs.CreateFolder (server.mappath("test"))
response.write "Directory Created. " & server.mappath("test")&"<br>"
end if

set f=nothing
set fs=nothing
end sub

sub delfile()
Set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if fs.FileExists(server.mappath("test.txt")) then
response.write "File Delete. " & server.mappath("test.txt")
response.write "File Does Not Exist. " & server.mappath("test.txt")
end if
set fs=nothing
end sub

sub deldir()
set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if fs.FolderExists(server.mappath("test")) then
response.write "Directory Delete. " & server.mappath("test")
end if
set fs=nothing
end sub