Here is my configuration file. I call it dbConstants.ps1. In this example, it's currently configured to talk to a MySQL database server on the local host. Examples for MS-SQL and MS-Access are included.

# dbConstants.ps1

Set-Variable dbAccess  -option ReadOnly -value 1
Set-Variable dbMSSQL  -option ReadOnly -value 2
Set-Variable dbMySQL  -option ReadOnly -value 3

# Microsoft Office Access Example
#Set-Variable dbChoice -option ReadOnly -value $dbAccess
#Set-Variable dbName   -option ReadOnly -value Test.mdb
#Set-Variable dbSource -option ReadOnly -value Not-Applicable
#Set-Variable dbUser   -option ReadOnly -value Not-Applicable
#Set-Variable dbPass   -option ReadOnly -value Not-Applicable

# Microsoft SQL Server Example
#Set-Variable dbChoice -option ReadOnly -value $dbMSSQL
#Set-Variable dbName   -option ReadOnly -value Test
#Set-Variable dbSource -option ReadOnly -value .\SQLExpress
#Set-Variable dbUser   -option ReadOnly -value Not-Applicable
#Set-Variable dbPass   -option ReadOnly -value Not-Applicable

# MySQL Example
Set-Variable dbChoice -option ReadOnly -value $dbMySQL
Set-Variable dbName   -option ReadOnly -value Test
Set-Variable dbSource -option ReadOnly -value localhost
Set-Variable dbUser   -option ReadOnly -value root
Set-Variable dbPass   -option ReadOnly -value password

# for Access, dbName is assumed to be located in $pwd
# for MySQL, dbSource should be the IP address or FQDN of the computer running MySQL server
# for MSSQL, dbSource should be the name plus the instance of MS-SQL (e.g., SERVER\Instance2)
#            if not present or "Not-Applicable", then "(local)\Default" is presumed
# for MSSQL, if dbUser is something other than "Not-Applicable" then Windows Auth is used

and now for the code itself. It's pretty simple. :-)

# dbODBC.ps1

. $pwd/dbConstants.ps1

$global:MLMconnection = $null
$global:MLMcommand    = $null
$global:MLMresult     = $null

function dbOpen
$global:MLMconnection = New-Object System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection

$global:MLMcommand = New-Object System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand
$global:MLMcommand.Connection = $global:MLMconnection

switch ($dbChoice)
$cStr = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=$pwd/$dbName;"
$cStr = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=$dbSource;Database=$dbName;"
if ($dbUser -eq "Not-Applicable")
$cStr += "Integrated Security=SSPI;"
$cStr += "UID=$dbUser;PWD=$dbPass;"
$cStr = "Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};SERVER=$dbSource;DATABASE=$dbName;"
if ($dbUser -ne "Not-Applicable")
$cStr += "UID=$dbUser;PWD=$dbPass;"

throw ("Unknown value of dbChoice $dbChoice can't open db $dbName")

$global:MLMconnection.ConnectionString = $cStr
if ($global:MLMconnection.State -ne [System.Data.ConnectionState]::Open)
throw ("Cannot open $dbName")

function dbPrepareResult
if ($global:MLMresult)
if ($global:MLMresult.Gettype().Name -ne "Int32")
$global:MLMresult = $null

function dbClose
if ($global:MLMcommand)
$global:MLMcommand = $null

if ($global:MLMconnection)
if ($global:MLMconnection.State -ne [System.Data.ConnectionState]::Closed)
$global:MLMconnection = $null

function dbExecute([string]$command)
if (!$global:MLMcommand)

$global:MLMcommand.CommandType = [System.Data.CommandType]::Text
$global:MLMcommand.CommandText = $command

$global:MLMresult = $global:MLMcommand.ExecuteReader()

return $global:MLMresult

function dbExecuteNonQuery([string]$command)
if (!$global:MLMcommand)

$global:MLMcommand.CommandType = [System.Data.CommandType]::Text
$global:MLMcommand.CommandText = $command

$global:MLMresult = $global:MLMcommand.ExecuteNonQuery()

return $global:MLMresult